Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers



Wednesday 30 March 2011

ahmad al-mubaraq ahmad izhar

assalamualaikum my dear,
         thanks 4 loving me! we're already 10 month another 2 month will be 1 year.. i'm love you!! heheeh.. i miss you dear.. this year you having BIGGGG TESSTT! awww hahahaha SPM dude! :P i doa kan you berjaya oke :) 

hey my follower,
                 lupe plak hahaha ney la bf mia.. he's small but so cute! hehehe ngade plak enn.. die form 5 tahun ney... mia suke sakat die "dak2 spm skrg!" hahaha kejam tol mia ney..ape lagi ea nk ckp pasal die? no idea la but he is mine!! watch out girls! jgn nk menggedik dgn aiman oke ! if i know kne la korg.. thanks 4 reading <3


                                                                                    lots of love,